Welcome to Loving Danai Gurira, a fansite dedicated to the talented actress and playwright Danai Gurira! You may know her from her iconic roles as Michonne on The Walking Dead and as Okoye in Marvel superhero movies like Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame. As a fan, my goal is to support Danai while providing a resource and a community for other fans. Before you go, make sure you check out the photo gallery, currently featuring over 15,000 photos. Thanks so much for stopping by!
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If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of this website, please contact us.

Last updated: November 18, 2016


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Love Our Girls

Danai Gurira supports many organizations and causes, including the Love Our Girls campaign. She founded this non-profit organization to help bring awareness to issues and challenges affecting women and girls all around the world. Please visit their website at LOGPledge.org to learn more about the campaign and how you can get involved. #LoveOurGirls

Love Our Girls